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Here, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Unistyles.

Why Unistyles runtime is not available?

This error occurs when you try to use a Unistyles feature without proper installation.

Possible causes include:

  • Running the app in Expo Go, which is not supported.
  • Running your Expo project without rebuilding it using the expo prebuild command
  • Forgetting to execute pod install in your bare React Native project
  • Omitting the import of the file where you set up your UnistylesRegistry eg. in your App.tsx file

I’m trying to override library types, but I’m receiving error that react-native-unistyles is not found?

To override types, you must import something from react-native-unistyles, such as UnistylesRegistry.

Adaptive mode doesn’t work for me

To enable adaptive mode, you need to register two themes named light and dark and set the adaptiveThemes flag to true within UnistylesRegistry.

If your app still doesn’t automatically switch themes, ensure that:

  • For Expo your app.json contains a userInterfaceStyle key with the value automatic
  • For bare React Native, your Info.plist does not have the UIUserInterfaceStyle key set to a hardcoded value
  • Appearance from react-native is set to null
  • You have phone with iOS 13+ or Android 10+
  • Your device supports dark mode

I’m getting some TypeScript error for my stylesheet

This should not occur, but if it does, please create a new issue in the GitHub repository.

Unistyles is built with first-class support for TypeScript, inferring all the types for you. There should be no need for extra steps. Please include your stylesheet and the error you’re encountering in the issue.

Does Unistyles support PlatformColor?

Yes, it does! You can even use PlatformColor in your themes!

Are class components supported?

No, the library only supports functional components. If you need support for class components, you would need to create a wrapper component.

How to use Unistyles with Expo?

Unistyles supports Expo. However, it can’t be used with Expo Go.